EWYUR Trivia
- Lasting only nine months, the E&WYUR's passenger service was possibly the shortest regular service ever.
- Safety ('catch') points were only fitted in the 1950s - about ten years before closure.
- The various collieries were notoriously bad at letting their locomotives operate on E&WYUR track without
- The line was steep with a 1 in 60 ruling gradient and a maximum gradient of 1 in 30. The LNER had difficulties
finding locomotives suitable for these gradients.
- The telephone number for Rothwell station was "Rothwell No. 1".
- The E&WYUR had more wagons than route miles, with over 300 wagons before World War 1.
- The steep gradients and sharp curves proved a useful test track for the various locomotive manufacturers in Leeds.
In return, these manufacturers would provide maintenance services for the E&WYUR's locomotives.