Constituent Companies
The Railways Act of 1921 brought about the amalgamation of Britain's railways into four large companies, including the London & North Eastern Railway. This process of 'Grouping' took place on 1st January 1923 (Ray Fisher describes the choice of company groupings in his article, Sixes and Sevens: the Big Four and its Alternatives). A number joint lines continued to exist after this date. Small and light railways often survived to be absorbed at a later date. The following pages describe the constituent companies that made up the LNER. Information articles have also been added. Articles for connecting facilities and private branch lines are located according to geographic provenance.
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Major Companies
The following companies merged to become the LNER:
Great North of Scotland Railway
Joint Companies
The LNER partly owned the following joint companies that continued to exist after the Grouping:
Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway
East London Railway
Great Western & Great Central Joint Railway
Manchester South Junction & Altrincham Joint Railway
Minor Companies
The LNER also absorbed or managed a number of smaller companies:
Colne Valley & Halstead Railway
East & West Yorkshire Union Railway
Mid-Suffolk Light Railway