Northern Heights

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Re: Northern Heights

Post by Mickey »

Last edited by Mickey on Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Northern Heights

Post by StevieG »

Micky wrote:
manna wrote: " If that was the case, were the class 15's trip cocked, new one on me, hmmmmmmmm.
Thats what the commentary said manna that would include the old Paxmans then.

The commentary said the last freight train that worked over the Finchley Central-Mill Hill East-Edgware line was in May 1964 and for about a year prior to the last freight workings finishing diesel hauled freight trains worked over the route. .... "
I travelled between the High Barnet line and central London quite often in the early-mid '60s, usually Saturdays.
While Southbound on such a day, just once do I strongly recall passing an N2 heading north along the way on a between-station section with a 'goods', probably somewhere between Woodside Park and East Finchley, and, in later times, about thrice, a 'Paxman' on a similar working : No idea if any of them were tripcock-fitted though (too young to know much about such things at the time) - At least one of the goods yards were still dealing with rail traffic through those times; definitely High Barnet (coal), but unsure which/if any of the others at Totteridge, Woodside Pk. Finch.C. or East Finchley were still going by then, though I think I recall a milk tank or two in the dairy siding at E.Finch.

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Re: Northern Heights

Post by rockinjohn »

Seem to remember reading that the GNR/LNER used Ashburton Grove sidings as the starting point for the coal/goods trains to Edgware/Mill Hill/Barnet&Alexandra Palace branchs coal&goods yards, did this occur later or did they mean Highbury Vale Sidings?which by rare photos that exist appears to have been on both sides of the Canonbury "up&down" lines almost alongside Ashburton Grove sidings at some point, any track plans for these sidings out there please....anyone.?
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Re: Northern Heights

Post by manna »

G'Day Gents

A plan of East Goods yard, shows part of the Highbury Vale yard, check, 'East Goods Yard, thread.

EDGWARE GN, Steam in the Suburbs.
GER D14 4-4-0 'Claud Hamilton'
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Re: Northern Heights

Post by rockinjohn »

Hi Manna yes thanks, have studied this "plan"is their per chance a simpler/cruder(any offers from you railway worker budding artists out there?)example for the likes of a Railway Area Fan/Layman,like myself,say from the Canonbury side up to the mainline carried over the running lines to KX, showing the Up ramp/Ashburton Grove Sidings East Goods/Gillespie Rd? Sidings&Highbury Vale Coal Yard,their seems to be ample sidings little used near the ramp up from the Northern City Line used for the Underground stock transfers& BR carriage sidings nearly above the Drayton Park Underground Sheds, stabling surburban stock(the same?),witnessed by myself in the 50's&60's.Rgdsjj
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