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Brush with Disaster

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 7:13 pm
by Iron Duke
Sorting through another box of slides today I came across this image taken in 1984 at Loughborough Midland.
I had just got off a train from Sheffield having attended a Health & Safety course the day before.
One of the subjects covered "falls from ladders" etc so could not believe this. :shock:
Luckily the chap did return to earth safely. :D


Re: Brush with Disaster

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:52 pm
by 52D
I used to work 200 yards up the tracks from here and as such we were expected to work off ladders like this until the 2005 WSAH act came in then overnight everything changed. Not only were Cherry pickers the way to go and ladders were only to be used for minor tasks or entry and ingress to a platform we were all trained in harness use and also had to do a rescue at height qualification. How things have changed (For the better I hasten to add).