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EE Deltic Booklet

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:50 pm
by KX6465
During my time at KX in 64/65 I purchased a small booklet from the WH Smith bookstall on the station.

The booklet was, from memory, approximately A5 size but in landscape format.

The thing that was different about it was that it was made of what would be appear to be known as Acetate these days.

The front cover was of a full length side view of a Deltic in two tone green and on opening the the first page was identical.

After this every page that was opened gave an internal veiw of the loco's constituent parts. First I think was a complete cut away picture of the loco as if the body shell had been removed. Then when the next page was turned more of the internals had been removed to reveal more detail eventually getting down to the power plants or perhaps even further.

I seem to think that at the top of each page a description was given of what could seen on that particular page.

I have tried several second hand book dealers specialising in railway publications but without any success, one of them suggested it may have been an English Electric publicity document.

Does any of this ring any bells with anyone, can anyone suggest where I might try or who to contact with regard to this booklet

KX 6465