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LNER K4 No.61994 over the S&C - 29th August 2012

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:13 am
by steamingyorkshire
A couple of clips from the outward trip of 'The Fellsman' on the 29th August 2012 featuring LNER K4 No.61994 'The Great Marquess' at Langcliffe.

Video Available Here

Re: LNER K4 No.61994 over the S&C - 29th August 2012

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:26 am
by Solario
Some great video, as always, Simon.

Doesn't the K4 sound good! 3 cylinders sometimes give a softer beat but I think this is more than compensated by the small wheels (hence high rpm).
