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45407 returns home... - 11th July 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:06 pm
by steamingyorkshire
A quick shot of LMS 5MT No.45407 'The Lancashire Fusilier' returning back home to Bury from Grosmont on the 11th July 2011.

Available Here

Re: 45407 returns home... - 11th July 2011

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:01 pm
by Ferrybridge Flyer
Simon-is that pic taken from the nature reserve at Bolton Percy?? If so,i take it it's still ok in there??

Re: 45407 returns home... - 11th July 2011

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 2:22 pm
by steamingyorkshire
Ferrybridge Flyer wrote:Simon-is that pic taken from the nature reserve at Bolton Percy?? If so,i take it it's still ok in there??
Hi David, long time no speak ;)

No it's taken just up the road at Brumber Bridge, bang in the middle of Colton Junction and Bolton Percy.

As far as i'm aware the shot at the nature reserve is still available... I shall let you know during this week with the SSE.

Re: 45407 returns home... - 11th July 2011

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:17 am
by Ferrybridge Flyer
Hi Simon-i'll be out and about on Wednesday and Thursday,i'll probably see you! I know Brumber Bridge-think i'll have another go there this year.I've got to find different places this year!!

Re: 45407 returns home... - 11th July 2011

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:24 pm
by StevieG
While always checking out all the samples you post here, I am remiss at hardly ever thanking you and commenting on their consistent high quality.
Concerning the caption to this one, a tiny comment on traditional official terminology if I may.
Although almost not incorrect, and not likely to mislead, a 'light engine' is normally regarded as precisely that, a locomotive on its own.
When with its support vehicle, in most ways, I think it would be, for signalling purposes, a (short, admittedly) train.

But no doubt, the vast majority of viewers will be in no doubt what you mean, and thanks again for all the great images made available from S.A.Y.

Re: 45407 returns home... - 11th July 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:16 pm
by Ferrybridge Flyer
Hear,hear Stevie--i would heartily recommend Simon's dvd's if you don't already own one.Superb!!

Re: 45407 returns home... - 11th July 2011

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:48 pm
by steamingyorkshire
Thank you both very much... It's always good to hear what others think.

I know what you mean Steve, I only refer to it like that as that is what most people out and about will refer it as.