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Peak Rail - 10th July 2011

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:09 pm
by steamingyorkshire
Peak Rail on the 10th July 2011 which now runs into Matlock Station.

In service was 68013 and 31270.

Available Here

Re: Peak Rail - 10th July 2011

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:21 pm
by 52D
Its good to see trains back into Matlock from Peak rail, I have watched with intererest as tracks grew closer. Although not a lover of things Midland I approve of a pseudo J94 being used as they were used close by on the Cromford & High Peak.
I call at the Bookshop when i get a chance and on one of these visits saw something out of the ordinary at the headshunt before the line went into the station the air ambulance landed astride the rails to pick up a person who had fallen off the bridge.