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Save the Texas State Railroad!

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:12 pm
by richard
The Texas State Railroad is in trouble, and needs our help! The State Railroad is an unusual operation that is one of the largest and most popular steam operations in the US, but is owned by the State and operated as a State Park. Budget cuts and problems in Austin are threatening to turn the park into a static exhibit. If this is so, it would become yet another small town static museum.

Further details and a petition can be found here:

You can also support the Texas State Railroad by becoming a friend (membership starts at US$10). When I've finished this post, I'll be filling the form out and joining. Information and the application form can be found here:

Official pages about the Texas State Railroad can be found here: ... _railroad/

My own page has some of the history (such as how Texas came to own a railroad!):
