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Changes that annoy - but why?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:56 pm
by drmditch
The expression 'train station' seems to have overtaken that of 'railway station' in common speech.

It instinctively annoys me, although there is probably very little reason to be annoyed. I used to argue that 'trains' were not specifically 'railway trains', but have to admit that it as a rather tenuous argument.

Is anybody else annoyed by this?

(By-the-by I have no problem with 'see you later' having become the standard valediction in common use. After all it's just the same as 'auf Wiedersehen' or 'au revoir'.)

Re: Changes that annoy - but why?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:56 pm
by giner
You may have missed this little chat on here a while ago:

Re: Changes that annoy - but why?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:27 pm
by drmditch
Thank you - I did miss that!
(Search doesn't work for 'train station' - or at least I couldn't make it do so!)

In that discussion I do rather agree with Richard - much though I deplore changes to our language which reduce it's precision.

Re: Changes that annoy - but why?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:13 pm
by Stirling O
I raised the very same question on RM web a few months back about the very same annoying use of the words 'train station. To my way of thinking it seems so childish. It is commonly used by the TV media, but then should we be surprised? For as long as I can remember most of the programmes with a railway theme seem to descend into childish condescending language as if they're talking down to us. It really does raise my hackles!
