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Keith MPD 61C

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:10 am
by Steve05
In my wanderings around the web I stumbled across this MPD which looks decidedly similar to a shed I have kit bashed previously. I found the photograph on the excellent resource at Time Capsules, the particular photograph that sparked my interest may be found here:

I have searched extensively on the web for more photographs but have not been successful. :? I would much appreciate any assistance to find out much more about this shed, its design and any photographs that may be available on the web or in publications.



Re: Keith MPD 61C

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:34 am
by Caledonian
Go to the Great North of Scotland Railway Association website -

Re: Keith MPD 61C

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:35 am
by Irishswissernie
I have a few in my GNSR set on Flickr, mainly loco portraits unfortunately. ... 6777605438


Re: Keith MPD 61C

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:20 am
by Steve05
Hi Stuart,

I thank you for the link, it’s very interesting indeed. :)

I have referenced the book from Paul Bolger’s titled BR Motive Power Depots – Scottish Region, and also discovered another two photographs from the web. One was from the early pre LNER days and another upon closure 1961. The entrance portals were vastly rebuilt during BR times with I beams and bricks.



Re: Keith MPD 61C

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:06 am
by Steve05
Hi Ernie,

Wow… I thank you for the link to your photographs and I especially liked the one of K2/2 Loch Shiel outside the shed. I love the texture of the original stone and mortar construction for the buildings of the MPD, out buildings and goods shed. :)

In the Paul Bolger book (page 18) it shows a photograph taken in 1949 with D40’s and a B12 outside the four roads leading into the shed. It’s very interesting because it shows that each shed (this being the two roads under each gable roof section) are made from different materials. Looking towards the front of the shed, the right hand side portal face is made from brick while the left hand side portal face retains the original stone construction. Obviously the entire front portal sections were rebuilt with brick and steel beams some time later by BR.

I’d love to get some inside of shed so I’ll have to keep searching, thanks mate.

