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Milk Traffic to Grantham

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:53 am
by workev
Looking through the 1954/55 CWNS for the GN line I noticed that the 02:00am parcels from KX-Grantham was a News and Parcels service from Monday to Saturday, but became a Milk and Parcels on a Sunday. By 1959 the milk element had reverted to News in the CWNS.

Does anybody know what sort of Milk traffic this was? I cannot think it would be Milk, but perhaps some Dairy Products! That said, the stock used was not special vans.

Any help would be gratefully received


Re: Milk Traffic to Grantham

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:56 am
by jwealleans
Wild guess, but empty churns which usually travelled via a service which didn't run on Sundays? If they'd disappeared by 1959 that wouldn't be a great surprise.

Re: Milk Traffic to Grantham

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:00 am
by workev
I thought that too, but then wondered why suddenly it became more important than the News?

I also wondered why this would go by a freight service between London and Grantham during the week as needed?

Not having any GN CWNs between 55 and 59 I don't know eye this distinction ceased.


Re: Milk Traffic to Grantham

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 10:21 am
by manna
G'Day Gents

Could have been a new traffic flow, ie. milk tanks from United Dairies, at Finchley. (all speculation.)
