Ely North Junction photographs?
Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 3:52 pm
I'm looking for general photographs of Ely North Junction, both before and after the signalbox was relocated there in the 1920s in connection with the building of Ely Sugar Beet Factory. Prior to this being built, a public footpath crossed all lines at this point and led across to a farm by the river. The crossing was then cut back to the 'island' of land, with the new signal box at the prow. Another path headed down to this crossing from the main road through Queen Adelaide, serving several railway cottages near the signal box. Later again, possibly around 1970, the crossing was shunted along the Peterborough line by a few hundred yards. This is now one of 130 footpath and occupation crossings in East Anglia presently under threat of closure, prior to a much wider national scheme of closures. A full public inquiry is being held later this year and is expected to run for twenty days.