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Towing of Vehicles

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:17 pm
by v3man
In the LNER Scottish Sectional Appendix of 1947 Section G lists places where towing of vehicles is authorised with reference to page 53 of the General Appendix. This page refers to how the rope or chain must be attached, the number of vehicles to be towed and that towing must be confined to adjacent roads. I seem to recall at Inveresk in the 1950s seeing a wagon being towed by rope over a set of facing points which were changed between the loco and the wagon to put the wagon in the adjacent siding.

Presumably this was what the appendix refers to (Inveresk was authorised for towing). Does anyone have experience of towing and any anecdotes of possible problems.

Re: Towing of Vehicles

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:00 pm
by R. pike
There is a good story in one of Gerard Fiennes' books about events at Duck Drove. Worth a read.