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Houlsyke Sidings

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:22 pm
by DWS
Having done some research into the NER Stations on the Esk Valley Railway, I have discovered that the village of Houlsyke, situated between Lealholm Station and Danby Station, once had a set of sidings serving the local farming community. The points for this siding were operated by a ground frame, though Houlsyke never had a Station building.

Does anyone have any more information about the Houlsyke sidings? Were there any building there? Do any photos of the sidings exist?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Dave

Re: Houlsyke Sidings

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:49 pm
by 52D
It was not unusual to have these type of sidings, i can think of 2 examples on the ECML between Newcastle and Edinburgh off the top of my head. Shortridge nr Warkworth and Peases Lie between Cockburnspath and Grantshouse. Just been talking to the Author of a couple of local railway books about Shortridge so it was fresh in my memory.