Think I may have writted this before, quite a while ago, but ....thesignalman wrote: " Deltics were handsome engines but to work with them at Kings Cross was not so much fun, the fumes were the foulest of all diesels and we copped it truly in the box at times. My worst time with them was to catch the 1800 "off the bank" (platform 16) at the end of a twelve-hour shift on a hot summers day with the windows of the non-corridor stock naturally wide open. If that and the 1800 Newcastle out of 8 were bang on time (which they usually were) we shared Gas Works Tunnel tunnel and I'm quite surprised anybody was still alive when we came out the other end. It was not fun, and I could identify that unique smell today. .... " John
A related enduring memory of mine from the early 1970s is, when travelling into the Cross on a summer's day en route to a late shift ; sitting in the front coach of a Cravens unit on a 'local', driver's blinds up, stopped on the Up Relief at Belle Isle (KC84 signal), umpteen windows open along the coach, 'waiting for the road' to go in and straight over to the suburban side.
As soon as the drone of an approaching Deltic was heard emanating from Gasworks with an express on Down Main 1, you instantly realised who the regular passengers were, as we all leapt to our feet, closing all the sliding ventilation and door drop-light windows we could get to as fast as possible, hoping to succeed before the 55 actually went by, and knowing what it would be like inside the tunnel when we moved off into the same bore a minute later.
So then, when double yellow came up, usually with a 'D' route indication, off we went - into total blackness, with the smell even then still invading the coach to some extent.
Only when we were about 30-50 yards from emerging at the station end did the blackness start changing to deep brown, then a sort of orange, then ochre perhaps, and then, still in the last few yards of the tunnel as we started turning right on No.154 points therein, sunlight started being quite quickly restored until within feet beyond exiting the tunnel mouth, all was brightly normal again (except perhaps the smell).
For me, unforgettable.