East Coast Mail Train

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60117 Bois Roussel

Re: East Coast Mail Train

Post by 60117 Bois Roussel »

The picture is confusing because in LNER days, while the ex-GNR TPOs were still serving, they had exchange gear on both sides.

The LNER designs were single sided and could require turning. As I understand it, because there were exchanges heading north, the TPOs faced west, and east when coming south. I have several pictures of the southbound working (because it was easier to catch in daylight) and some are on my w/s under LNER/ER TPO services:
http://www.steve-banks.org/prototype-an ... nd-er-days
It's due for a more detailed write-up.

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Re: East Coast Mail Train

Post by notascoobie »

Hi Steve,
Thanks for adding to the information we're collecting. I've had a look at the your website and you've got some some more photos to add to your article in the Backtrack LNER Special.
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