Hornsea Goods signal box

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GER J70 0-6-0T Tram
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Joined: Tue May 29, 2012 12:11 pm

Hornsea Goods signal box

Post by howard9f »

Hello all, i am interested in a couple of signal boxes in the Hull District. These are Hornsea Goods, I think this was the name of the SB south of Hornsea Bridge Station that controlled assess into the Goods Yard. Also, Staddlethorpe East, which was on the main NER line into Hull and was abandoned in 1968.

I have never seen any photos or been able to get any information on these two boxes, can anyone assist ?

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Re: Hornsea Goods signal box

Post by micknich2003 »

I have one or more photo's of Hornsea Goods, but nothing on Staddlethorpe East. I'm told it was identical to Staddlethorpe Junction box. I do have the signalling plans of both places you ask about. Mick Nicholson.
Intrested in signalling, P Way, loco's and most railway subjects. Keen model maker etc. presently aiming to model part of Hull, Springhead yard etc.
GER J70 0-6-0T Tram
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Joined: Tue May 29, 2012 12:11 pm

Re: Hornsea Goods signal box

Post by howard9f »

Hi Mick, Thanks for that. I can remember Staddlethorpe East coming out of service and the Pway notice about demolition, this was in 1968, i was only 14 then. Would you be willing to copy/send the photos, diagrams you have ? i will of course pay for any costs and postage etc.

Do you also have any information on Wilmington East Box. I can't really place this box, bit it must have been located between Wilmington Junction and Soneferry (Chamberlain Road) signal boxes on the Hornsea branch ?

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