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What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:42 pm
by S.A.C. Martin
Hi Chaps,
Found this lovely bogie wagon for sale at the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway recently, and bought it on a whim. However...I have no idea what it is, and whether or not I can repaint it into a BR livery!
The original (and degrading) wheels fitted were too large, catching on the bottom of the body, so I replaced the disc wheels with the same type, but smaller diameter Bachmann versions. Overall, it's reduced the height of the model above the rails, and brought it into line with the height of the rest of my stock.
Answers on a postcard please. Have been rummaging through book after book, and still haven't found the prototype for this model yet.
Here's the pics (taken from my external Copley Hill blog):
Am rather hoping it turns out to be ex-LNER! It certainly looks it to me, which is why I bought it in the first place. Blushes all round if it isn't!!!
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:55 pm
by jwealleans
Can't be certain but it loks like some sort of Siphon to me. I'm sure there's an RMWeb thread about old kits which has featured on eof these in the last few days.
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:04 pm
by rob237
I'd also opt for some form of GW Siphon...
Not unlike my ancient Siphon D...prominent lower 'lattice' work etc...
Could have turned up on the long forgotten Tu/Th Cheddar-Bradford strawberry working
Robt P.
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:09 pm
by David Bigcheeseplant
Its a K's Siphon F
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:19 pm
by S.A.C. Martin
Oh - damn. That makes it rather Great Western doesn't it!!!
Never mind - it's still a nice bit of kit. Did they get around much in the steam era?
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:25 pm
by jwealleans
Some of them made it to Sheffield carrying rabbits - not the bogie ones as I recall. I think they were mainly milk vans. They did move around more in BR days but I'm not clear on what types they might have been.
You could have a look in the HRMS photo catalogue to see where they were photographed - alternatively I'm sure there's an equivalent of this forum dealing with small provincial railways.....
Edit - bit of info and references
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:11 pm
by S.A.C. Martin
jwealleans wrote:Some of them made it to Sheffield carrying rabbits - not the bogie ones as I recall. I think they were mainly milk vans. They did move around more in BR days but I'm not clear on what types they might have been.
You could have a look in the HRMS photo catalogue to see where they were photographed - alternatively I'm sure there's an equivalent of this forum dealing with small provincial railways.....
Edit - bit of info and references
Thank you kindly
Most helpful.
I'm loathe to sell it on as I find it quite a handsome model. Only needs couplings. I may keep it for a friend to borrow for his layout, it's been nicely made and it runs well now on its bachmann wheels.
EDIT: Hallo!
One of my layout represents a halt on the ex-GWR line north from Shrewsbury - Saltney and Chester in the Late '50s.
During my research of 20 plus photos of parcels trains comprising up to 20 vehicles - I only found one photo with more than 2 similar vehicles marshalled together !
Parcels trains by the '50s were as mentioned above a right hotch potch - you may find 4 siphons within the 20 vehicles, but very rarely, marshalled as a rake within the overall train..
As mentioned above they seem to be made up usually of siphons, BR Guvs and CCTs, full brakes, 4 wheel fitted vans and even Thompson and Gresley vehicles.
Interesting Tidbit
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:35 am
by 2512silverfox
Without looking up Jim Russell's GWR coaches cnnot remember the type but it is a Siphon and some of these o/f bogie Siphons made it into BR Blue.
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:36 pm
by mistahjim
It does seem to be rather GW. But if you like the model why not invent a reason for it to be on your layout. Plenty of seemingly far-fetched combinations or events have been photographed over the years. Joys of modellers licence and all.
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:43 pm
by Atlantic 3279
If you wanted to be ANYTHING BUT particular about detail you could pretend that it is an ex GCR bogie fish van, possibly reassigned to newspaper traffic, although all sorts of details of the body are wrong, including the presence of end doors and four sets of doors per side, plus of course the "American" bogies cry GWR loud and clear.
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:07 pm
by Bill Bedford
It's a GWR Siphon 'F'. The kits were made by K's in the 70s/80s
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:28 pm
by rob237
David Bigcheeseplant beat you to it, 2 days...see 4th post.
Robt P.
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:43 pm
by 60B
Theres a photo (I think on RMWeb) of a couple of these at Perth in WW1.
Re: What is it? Kit built wagon found at KWVR
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:49 pm
by coachmann
They were built 1906/7 and probably never made it to 1960.