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The USATC S160 2-8-0s

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 8:18 pm
by TobyB
On a visit last week 2 the Grosmont sheds, saw an engine resembling the above. Does any of our bretheren accross the pond have any recomendations as to the best HO model to purchase?

Personal Ad - Railway Tavern @ Grosmont is a must if you are visiting - Good food and Black Sheep Beer on Tap! :D

Re: The USATC S160 2-8-0s

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 8:55 pm
by richard
The only model I'm aware of is a British kit - from DJH I think. HO scale and British!

Lots were made and they worked in many countries, so you'd expect it to be a popular model. I suspect divided scale standards are a problem. I've looked for one in N, and would buy it if someone was to make one...


Re: The USATC S160 2-8-0s

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:29 pm
by Bryan
There is a 12 inch to the foot version available at Grosmont first come first served.