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When did Gateshead gain it's reputation?

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:49 am
by Tom F
I'm currently working on Gateshead A1 2571 'SUNSTAR'. I'm trying to work out when did Gateshead earn it's reputation for not cleaning locomotives. Was it a BR thing, or does it go back further to LNER days?

Re: When did Gateshead gain it's reputation?

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 4:05 pm
by ArthurK

I believe that was a BR thing but there were exceptions. Here are two, one dirty and one reasonably (though not pristine) clean in the 1960s. I think the deterioration started in late LNER days.

"Sir Hugo" on menial duties at Tyne Yard.
264 Tyne Yard.jpg
"Trigo" returning light to Gateshead, devoid of shed plate and nameplate. I wonder who got those?
Book 7 022_4.jpg