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GNR brake vans with dished buffer heads

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:51 am
by Atlantic 3279
An appeal for help please: I've started building and old McGowan whitemetal 10 ton GN brake kit. I'm stuck at present on the matter of buffers. I do KNOW that I recently read somewhere about certain GN brake vans having one dished buffer head at each end as an anti-buffer-locking measure. I also know that the text stated which buffer head was the dished one. I have now discovered, to my amazement, that this Mc Gowan kit is "specific" enough to provide two normal buffers and two with dished heads. Of course, I can't remember which is which, nor can I remember where I read about it. :oops: Help! Anybody? Please.

PS If you are able to supply an answer, for clarity could you specify whether any references to "right" or "left" apply as if one were looking at the end of the van from outside, or (as per a loco) as if one were on-board the vehicle looking along the track.

Re: GNR brake vans with dished buffer heads

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:19 pm
by 2512silverfox
See parallel post on modelling under Johnathan's posts

Re: GNR brake vans with dished buffer heads

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:17 pm
by john coffin
in various sources, it would appear that dished buffers were to help stop buffer clashing, since it didn't last for ever, wonder how successful.

my understanding is that the right hand buffer on each end was the dished one.


Re: GNR brake vans with dished buffer heads

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:03 am
by 2512silverfox
I think you mean buffer locking!

See the GN 6 wheel full brake in the NRM which shows this feature.