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D49 tender

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:11 pm
by 62716
Good evening all,

With reference to the photo of D49 No. 62716 “Kincardineshire” at: ... p?id=19980

I am seeking definitive confirmation of the precise type of tender shown.

Page 112 of RCTS Part 4 lists the loco as having been given a GC tender in June 1942, and nothing further.

This is further backed up by Yeadons Volume 10 Page 53 which explains that 4 of the replacement GC tenders for D49’s had open coal rails which were later plated inside the coal rails. It states “One with inside plated rails was withdrawn as late as April 1961 with 62716 KINCARDINESHIRE

(I can only conclude that the second use of the word “with” means “as” or “in the form of” in view of the fact that the only other April 1961 withdrawals (62718 & 62733) both had Group Standard tenders at withdrawal.)

Can any one please confirm my belief that the type of tender in this photo is a GC 4,000 gallons tender with plated coal rails.

Re: D49 tender

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:24 pm
by Atlantic 3279
It looks exactly like one of those to me.

Re: D49 tender

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 12:25 am
by 62716
Many thanks Atlantic 3279 - just need to source a drawing and a tender now!

Re: D49 tender

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 10:13 pm
by 1H was 2E
62716; when Mr. Yeadon says that the tender was withdrawn with the engine he means that both engine & tender were withdrawn together; it was possible for a loco & tender to go into works and one or the other, but not both, to be withdrawn. Engines and tenders were separated on entry into works and at departure an overhauled loco would be attached to the next suitable o/h tender. In the works, either the loco or the tender might be condemned. Locos and tenders had different life expectancies so it was only at the end of steam that both would be withdrawn together. Even near the end of steam, a shed might swap the tender from a condemned loco to replace a defective one behind a loco still in service - some Scottish sheds did this a lot.
Referring to Mr Yeadon's Loco Tendering Number book, which lists tenders in number order and the locos to which they were attached, I've found the following GC standard 4000 gallon tenders which finished up on D49's; 5102, 5104, 5133, 5213, 5282, 5289, 5312, 5401, 5952, 6027, 6030, 6032, 6036, 6085, 6103, 6110, 6139, 6180, 6182, 6515, 6556. All were attached to D49s during or after 1941. Some were attached to more than one D49 (but all remained with D49s until withdrawal), and there may have been others - it's not easy to spot a D49 amongst all the J11, O1, O4 and Q4s.
The reason may have been wartime shortages in view of the date, and the fact that some of these tenders had been used as water carriers or even more extreme - in the case of 6556 converted to sludge carrier 951537 in 1935 but reconverted and attached to D49 236 from 6/41 to 9/5/59.
Edited to add in some I'd missed first time.

Re: D49 tender

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 10:46 pm
by 62716
Thanks 1H was 2E - it does of course make total sense now!

I' d already decided to see if Booklaw have the Tender Volume at Model Rail Scotland.